I bought a car.

$1000NZ (about $500USD). Enough to get me around and plenty of room to sleep in the back.
I also bought a bike.

Not really a necessary purchase, I know, but I got an amazing deal on it. The drive train alone is worth more than I paid for it. The frame is in beautiful condition with incredible lugs. I really have no idea where it came from, and Google is no help, but it is certainly classy. The rest of the bike is either Italian or Japanese. I love it!
I also finally climbed the mountain. A few days before I decided to summit I was doing work with the Department of Conservation in Mt. Egmont national park. We did a bit of trail work and hut maintenance while it rained, hailed, and snowed on us for three days. With the 100km/h+ gusts it made for sketchy working conditions and we didn't as much done as we'd like. I was sort of planning on saving the summit until after I've done all the tracks in the park, but decided to just go for it before it got too icy. It was a nice climb, though much easier than I thought it would be. Listened to a little Thrice (all kidding aside Kozmo, Image of the Invisible is probably one of the best songs of our generation), Spoon, Ted Leo, and Hillsong United on the way up.
Here's a shot of the transition from track to route.

The sketchiest part of the climb was this section down into the crater.

A shot from inside the crater at a lava formation known as the Shark's Tooth. Check out all the windblown ice.

Great Success.

Other than climbing and hiking, I've still been doing quite a bit of fly fishing. Was able to snap this photo the other day. I think it's one of the best I've ever taken.

Just got back from fishing and boating in Lake Taupo last night. I'm now up in Auckland until this weekend. After that I'm off to the South Island and over to Australia. Won't be back down to Taranaki for about a month. Should be good times!