I created this blog so I can document my New Zealand adventures. I'm scheduled to stay 6 months, but it's only $100 if I want to change my flight to leave/stay early, so not a bad gig.
The plan is to bar tend at my dad's restaurant in Stratford some of the time and explore the country on bike/foot the rest. I plan on doing as much fly fishing and backpacking as possible.
I'll work out a more specific list later, but for now I know I'm taking my bike, some clothes, my laptop, and my fly rods.

I can say that I am super excited but a little bit nervous at the same time. Either way, I know I'll learn a lot and look forward to the overall experience.
The blog will be mostly pictures from my P&S because I think I suck less at taking pictures than I do at writing. Hopefully some of the gorgeous scenery will make its way through my cheap lens and onto this blog.
Nice Blog Shane.